Eyeshadow Organizing

Thought I would post about my ZPalette experience. Many of you have heard of these empty makeup  palettes that have a magnetic bottom to hold many types of pans. I really wanted to give these a try since I had so many single pan eye shadows. Why did I not do this sooner?? This has saved so much space and has made it so easy to see all my shadow singles. I am not going to lie, depotting pans is not fun, I destroyed quiete a few shadows in the process, but the end result is worth it.  I organized my shadows by colors, some people do it by brand, it is all personal preference. These palettes come in different sizes which is nice, I used the extra large. They are so sturdy and stack nicely, a definite for makeup organizing. I purchased mine on Amazon  for about $20.00 usd each.